Room 2104, 2 1/F, C.C. Wu Building No 302-8 Hennessy Road Wanchai HONG KONG
Tel: +852 2893 6808
Fax: +852 2834 8209
email: hongkong@trbchemedica.com
Website: www.trbchemedica.com
Contact: Mrs. Jennifer Yiu
Product: TRB CHEMEDICA currently markets 15 products, both ethical pharmaceuticals and medical devices, that are licensed and sold in more than 40 countries worldwide. In addition to a number of innovative pharmaceutical compounds in key market segments, the Group has a long experience and a particular specialisation in patented products based on sodium
hyaluronate. The commitment to innovation is seen in the significant product pipeline that will help to fuel growth in each of the targeted therapeutic areas as well as introduce the group into new areas of therapeutic focus.