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emptyspace.gif (920 bytes) 3-bit Productions Ltd

Studio 3B, Sunking Industrial Building,
1 Shing Chuen Road,
Sha Tin,
New Territories
Hong Kong

Tel: +852 2606 7968
Fax: +852 2601 0005

About: The company provides production, scriptwriting and action & stunt co-ordination for films, TV programmes, documentaries and animations. It maintains 2 sound stages of 2,052-2,546 sq ft, with ceiling heights of 13-15 ft, air-conditioning, 3-phase 4-wire electricity and rigged for stunt wire-work.
Reference: The company produced the language teaching programme series "VCD Phonics"; assisted in the productions of the animation "Podipods" and the lifestyle programme "A Dish about Town"; provided production consultancy and studio rental for the 3D CG film "DragonBlade"; and provided studio rental service for the film "Enter the Phoenix".

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