Hong Kong Exporter > Lighting Supplier >

emptyspace.gif (920 bytes) Tungda Innovative Lighting Holdings Ltd 

Address: Rm 1007-8,
10/F, Harcout House,
39 Gloucester Rd,
Wanchai, Hong Kong

E-Mail: info@tungdalighting.com  

Tel#: +852 25923888 

Web: www.tungdalighting.com  

Brand Name: TUNGDA 

Product Description: Induction Lamp, Microwave Sulphur Lamp, Xenon Lamp (Automobile), HIDXEnon Lamp (Automobile), Metal Halide Lamp, High Pressure Sodium Lamp, Compact Fluorescent Lamp, Halogen Lamp, T5 Lamp, Lighting Fixture 

Product And Services: Bulbs, Industrial Luminaries, Lighting Fixtures, Lighting for Office, Adv & Exh, Outdoor Luminaries


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