Kwun Kee Tailor Co., Ltd.
Address : 4/F, Kwun Kee Tailor Industrial Centre,
120 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone : 2793 1393
Fax : 2793 0519
Contact : Mr. George Yau
Designer : Mr. Donny Mok
Email : kwunkee@netvigator.com
Website : www.kwunkeetailor.com
Brand: Kwun Kee
Kwun Kee Tailor was established in the beginning of the 60's. It started from a smallscale tailor's shop in Hong Kong and, after 40 years of determained effort, it is now so well established that it has developed into a chain-store network of retail outlets with more than 100 shops in big-and medium sized cities in China. Our tailor-made services are of a high standard, suited to the diversity of customers in Hong Kong, Macau and the whole of China.