Address 6-8 Keswick Street Causeway Bay
Hong Kong
Email kjrihkg@netvigator.com
Hours of Business Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. -- 1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Consular and Immigration Sections
Monday to Friday
9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. -- 4:30 p.m.
Paiman Turnip
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Head of Chancery and Economic)
Mrs. Enny Budiarti Hardjito
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Consular)
Ayodhia G.L. Kalake
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Economic)
Bambang Setyobudhi
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Socio-Cultural/Information)
Nugroho Yuwono Aribhimo
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Protocol & Consular)
Sukmo Yuwono
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Customs)
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Trade)
Haris Munandar Nurhasan
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Immigration)
Djoni Muhammad
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Legal)
Jan Samuel Maringka
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Consul (Manpower / Labour)
Mrs. Sri Setiawati
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Vice Consul (Socio-Cultural/Information)
Miss Heni Hamidah
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Vice Consul (Protocol and Socio-Cultural/Information)
Victor Sasongko Hardjono
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Vice Consul (Economic)
Miss Lauti Nia Astri Sutedja
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139
Vice Consul (Administration)
Anton Budi Setiawan
Tel: 2890 4421
Fax: 2895 0139 |
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