Contact The Banner Exchange     How it works?

Link you site to us!

NEWS    -  The Banners Exchange is now hosting with www.WTONETWORK.COM.   Starting from April 2001, the HKEN Banner Exchange will under the Please contact us for any details. If you want to join the HKEN banner exchange, just fill the form below, and we will contact you shortly.
The Banners Exchange of HKEN is a banner exchange program, dedicated to Business. It enables owners of websites to increase traffic to their sites completely free! In order to make sure only legal sites and good quality sites are showing your web site's advertisement, wee check out all the member sites and the banners.  Click here for Banner Examples.

How does it work ?

By including some HTML text in your WebPages, you show banners advertisement from other members websites (like the one at the top of this section).  For every 2 times you show a banner on your WebPages, your get one credit.  For each credit you are entitled to one banner impression  on other Banner Exchange member sites.

As your site gets more visitors, the more times your banner is shown around the world, increasing traffic to your site even further. Plus ! You will get 1000 free banner exposures when you credit has reached 500!!!  You have to inform us by email when your credit has reached 500 thought  Please mention you account name/user name in your email.

If you don't have a banner, click the right button of Azurii Designs.  Our design partner will help you to make one banner for free.
The Banner size should be 468x60 pixel The file should be 10K or smaller
If you do not know you url of your banner, please send the banner to us through We will give away 1000 banner impression to new member.  
Once you are accepted to The Banner Exchange, we will  mail  you the instruction to complete the application.  Thank you for joining The Banner Exchange.
Company or Organization Name
First Name
Last Name
Address (Optional)
City (Optional) 
State / Province (Optional)
Zip Code / Postal Code (Optional) 
Country (Optional)
email address
Contact Telephone (Optional)
Desired Member ID
You banner's URL (
Banner Examples. If you don't have a banner, click the right button of Azurii Designs.  Our design partner will help you to make one banner for free.
Your Sites URL
Desired Categories
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